Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Say Cheese

What they don't teach you in handling class...how to pose for pictures:

It was a struggle to catch the two of us in a presentable position at the same time - and I managed to create a lovely ruffle up his neck.


In the picture from the show prior to this I look like a deer caught in the headlights - so I guess this is an improvement.

Clearly I need to attend a Dog Show Photos 101 seminar.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dog Show Peeps

Just returned from 4 days of showing in NJ.

Two points earned - but more importantly lots of fun was had.

Travelled on my own for the first time. I met some great peeps and had lots of laughs. Some handler friends saved me room in their set-up where my "property" abutted some highly-entertaining and really nice professionals.

The corgi folks were so nice to me. A couple of them were also relatively new to showing and shared their experiences. I even receieved some excellent unsolicited coaching from a breeder/handler which was so very helpful.

This was also the first time that I was not a quaking bag of nerves in the ring.

Now we are major hunting...and my boy has some time off.